Uganda is a large country with a growing and capable population According to the
Uganda Bureau of Statistics( 2024 the country has a population of about 46 5 mwith
a land area of 241 038 km ² The country s population is largely made of a young
population, with most of its people aged between the ages 0 14 years old, therefore
having a median age of 15 8 years (male 15 7 years/ female 15 9 years
state of sports infrastructure in all parts of Uganda are either dead or in a dire
state Sports personalities that have risen through the ranks to win accolades at the
local, regional, and national level have either been self made or through an
accidental revelation to the sporting administration of the country and their
specific districts
there is great talent that can be found throughout Uganda, there are no sports
systems or infrastructure that would allow them to succeed or be seen


Uganda there has been a general decline in the performance of almost all
competitive sports in the International arena This is also evident right from the
grass root level locally and it coincides with the decline of our sports
associations and school programmes Uganda is currently fighting many wars
on corruption, backwardness, disease and poverty together with the need for
self preservation as a state and the overall fitness of the population is a crucial
factor in the performance of the nation in a crisis We should not forget the
important role that sports and games play in the development of personality
has a more or less stable and enduring organisation of a person’s character,
temperament, intellect and physique which determines his unique adjustment to
the environment and education is all about the process of fitting man into his
environment It is our belief that as many individuals as possible need to
develop a range of psychomotor skills in which knowledge of safety acquired
by various games and sports is attained As seen earlier, the benefits that could
be gained from such skills include Free time occupation, Self realisation and
success (at all levels), Participating in social activities, Physical well being,
Basis for future employment All societies have had vigorous physical
activities to provide an outlet for arduous work, etc It is part of culture and
culture has to be transmitted and this is through education
When examined at the national level, we can develop a sense of national
identity This enhances national prestige for both individuals and groups There
is also a serious potential for the development of social cohesion and
international relations this will reflect a virulent nation The government and
all able bodied institutions need to be interested because of the increased health
of the populace It further provides a release from social constraints and
pressure of work

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