

A charity organization committed to driving sports development in Uganda. We aim to improve access to sports equipment and grounds, promote conservation, provide microfinance to women and vulnerable groups, and improve access to safe water. At the heart of our mission is a strong emphasis on STEAM education, which we believe is the foundation for a brighter future.


Uganda is a large country with a growing and capable population According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics( 2024 the country has a population of about 46.5m with a land area of 241 038 km ² The country’s population is largely made of a young population, with most of its people aged between the ages 0 -14 years old, therefore having a median age of 15.8 years (male 15.7 years/ female 15.9 years
The state of sports infrastructure in all parts of Uganda are either dead or in a dire state.

Sports personalities that have risen through the ranks to win accolades at the local, regional, and national level have either been self made or through an accidental revelation to the sporting administration of the country and their specific districts.

While there is great talent that can be found throughout Uganda, there are no sports systems or infrastructure that would allow them to succeed or be seen.